
The action-oriented

art, design, and architecture

school in San Francisco

A r t

D e s i g n

A r c h i t e c t u r e

W r i t i n g

F i l m

C r a f t

C o m m u n i t y

P l a y

S t o r y t e l l i n g

I n t e r a c t i o n

California College of the Arts cultivates ideas, industry, and impact in the progressive San Francisco Bay Area, educating our students as global changemakers through purposeful practice and critical discourse.

California College of the Arts cultivates ideas, industry, and impact in the progressive San Francisco Bay Area, educating our students as global changemakers through purposeful practice and critical discourse.


All are welcome at 爱豆传媒, where diverse cultures, practices, and ideas merge.


Our creative community makes a living by changing the world.

Purposeful practices


Come learn to make work that makes a difference.

Jan 15

Graduate application priority deadline

Deadline to submit an application for institutional scholarship consideration and admission for the following academic year. Applications received after this date will be reviewed on a rolling basis.

Feb 01

First-year fall priority deadline

First-year applicants must submit an application by this deadline to guarantee merit scholarship consideration, including eligibility for Visionary Practice Scholarships.

Mar 01

Transfer fall priority deadline

Transfer applicants must submit an application by this deadline to guarantee merit scholarship consideration, including eligibility for Visionary Practice Scholarships.

May 01

Deadline to confirm attendance and submit enrollment deposit

Admitted undergraduate students should confirm attendance and submit the $300 enrollment deposit for the fall semester by this date.

May 01

Graduate deadline to confirm attendance and submit deposit

Admitted graduate students must confirm attendance and submit the $500 enrollment deposit for the fall semester by this date.